Directions to Beckley, West Virginia

From New England:

Take Interstate 95 South. Pick up Interstate 78 West near Newark, NJ. Pick up Interstate 81 South near Harrisburg, PA. Pick up Interstate 64 West near Lexington, VA. Follow Interstate 64 West to Beckley. Exit Interstate 64 at the South Eisenhower Dr. Exit in Beckley. At the traffic light follow US Route 19 North to Prosperity Road. Turn left.


From Greater New York and Eastern Long Island:

Weekends: Take Interstate 495 (LIE) West to the Queens Midtown Tunnel. Follow signs on 34th Street to the Lincoln Tunnel thereby connecting onto Interstate 95 (NJ Turnpike) South. Go one exit on Interstate 95 South to Interstate 78 West. Continue to follow instructions from New England.

Weekdays: Take the Southern State (LI)/Belt (NYC) Parkway West to the Verrazano Bridge. Follow Interstate 278 (Staten Island Expressway) to the Goethals Bridge. After crossing the Goethals Bridge follow Interstate 95 (NJ Turnpike) North. Exit at Interstate 78 West. Continue to follow instructions from New England.

From Florida/Georgia:

Take Interstate 95 North. In South Carolina pick up Interstate 26 North to Columbia. Near Columbia pick up Interstate 77 North. Exit Interstate 77 North at the North Beckley Exit. Pass toll booths and exit again at the Appalachian Bible College Exit. Turn right off exit onto US Route 19 South. At the 2nd traffic light turn right onto Prosperity Road.

From the Midwest:

Take Interstate 64 East to Charleston, WV. In Charleston continue following Interstate 64 East/77 South to Beckley. Exit instructions found in the Florida/Georgia directions.

From the Southwest:

Take Interstate 40 East to Interstate 81 North. Then take Interstate 77 North and follow exit instructions from the Florida/Georgia directions.

Take Interstate 20 East to Interstate 59 North to Interstate 75 North to Interstate 40 East to Interstate 81 North to Interstate 77 North. Follow exit instructions in the Florida/Georgia directions.

From the Greater Detroit Area:

Take Interstate 75 South to Findlay, OH. Pick up State Rout 15/US Route 23 South to Chillicothe, OH. In Chillicothe pick up US Route 35 South and follow until you reach Interstate 64 East. Follow Interstate 64 East/77 South to Beckley. Exit instructions found in the Florida/Georgia directions.

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